~ Private entrance & restrooms, built in fully stocked bar, dance floor & stage~
Room Capacities: 300 Dinner
400 Reception
Saturday Hall Fee $1500.00
Friday & Sunday Hall Fee $750.00
Midweek Hall Fee Minimum $250
Minimum Host Food & Host Bar $7000.00
Friday & Sunday Hall Fee $350.00
Midweek Hall Fee Minimum $300
Minimum Attendance 70
Maximum Attendance 140
Room Capacity 64
*Hall fee includes all tables & chairs, table linens & skirting
linen napkins, china, silverware, glassware
cake cutting, bartenders and service staff
All food and beverage to be served to your guests must be purchased from Cotton Exchange and consumed on premise with the exception of wedding cakes or desserts. No food or beverage will be allowed to leave the Plantation Hall except left over dessert. All prices will be guaranteed 90 days prior to the date of the function. All Receptions must offer Food & Bar Service.
All food and beverage is subject to an 20% service charge. All food & beverage prices, room fee and gratuities are subject to the current Wisconsin Sales Tax.
All advanced deposits are non-refundable and non transferable. All cancellations within 180 days for Saturdays will owe an additional $2600.00 fee or a total of $6600.00 to be collected for liquidated damages.
All cancellations within 180 days for Friday or Sundays will forfeit the $4000.00 pre-payment that has been collected based on the payment schedule listed on the contract. A total of $4000.00 to be collected for liquidated damages. All cancellations must notify
Cotton Exchange by Certified Mail.
In order for your event to be a success, the guarantee, or exact number of people expected will need to be given to your event coordinator seven (7) days prior to your function. If less than the guaranteed number of guests attends, the final guaranteed number will still be charged. If more than the guaranteed number attends, you will be charged accordingly.
Cotton Exchange reserves the right to control these functions. NO GLITTER, CONFETTI, RICE, BUBBLES or UNWRAPPED CANDY MAY BE USED OR SPRINKLED ON THE TABLES. NO attachments to or hangings from the walls or light fixtures may be used. The space will be available to decorate no earlier than 12 noon on the day of the event. All candles must be fully enclosed for safety purposes. This will not be negotiated.
Cotton Exchange is the only authorized licensee able to sell and serve liquor, beer and wine on the premise. No beverage of any kind may be brought in or carried out by patron or guests. The Cotton Exchange reserves the right to control or refuse the consumption of alcohol. Proper Identification is required. Adults found providing alcoholic beverages to minors and anyone seen to be using unlawful substances will be asked to leave the premise. If they
refuse, a complaint will be filed with the local authorities.
Entertainment arrangements are the responsibility of the lessee and must be mentioned at the time of signing. Music is permitted to play until 12:00am. Cotton Exchange reserves the right to control sound levels. Special lighting, staging, electrical connections or excessive electrical usage must be arranged prior to (at contract signing) the event. All special requirements will be charged to the host if necessary based on charges incurred to Cotton Exchange. Cotton Exchange cannot assume any responsibilities for personal property or equipment brought onto the premise.
Cotton Exchange reserves the right to hire security at their discretion. It will be the responsibility of the lessee to cover the cost of providing this service, generally a fee of $100. The security officer will be a member of the Racine County Sheriff’s Department and in full uniform.
Alcohol may be served until 12:00am, and entertainment may play until 12:00am.
The Plantation Hall MUST BE VACATED BY 1:00 AM. The Lessee accepts liability for any damage done to the property of Cotton Exchange in proportion to their use of the facility unless those directly responsible are apprehended and costs are paid by them. Cotton Exchange shall not be held liable for any loss, damage, or legal action to or against any person or the property of any guest(s) of the lessee.
All functions will be staffed as required to properly serve the event. Any special staffing required by the event will require additional charges as determined by Cotton Exchange
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